Therapeutic Approach
Treatment at the Privatklinik Meiringen is provided by interdisciplinary care teams. Various dimensions of treatment and care are taken into account, in order to address the needs of patients in a holistic manner.
Treatment is planned individually with the active involvement of patients and specialist staff from the various departments. It is based on the jointly established therapeutic goals, which are assessed and adapted at regular review discussions.
Successful treatment starts with a comprehensive examination and diagnosis. In many cases, the healing process is supported by the administration of medication whilst, at the same time, psychotherapeutic treatment is used to attempt to explain and understand the illness. Medical somatic treatment is intended to make everyday life bearable. An important part of the treatment process is the inclusion of families, partners and relatives.
In the first few days of hospitalisation, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out from a medical and psychiatric-psychological perspective. Patients experience a holistic examination which takes into account organic-biological aspects, internal mental and interpersonal dimensions, energy aspects and the social situation.
Psychiatric treatment
In many cases, the prescription of medication proves to be the appropriate and necessary treatment. This is supplemented by consultations with doctors, which aim to provide clarification and support. In special cases, specific biological treatments are also used, such as sleep deprivation, which can accelerate healing.
Medical somatic treatment
Physical ailments are often the cause of mental illness. The Privatklinik Meiringen offers patients suffering physical pain expert help through in-house and external specialists.
Psychotherapeutic treatment
Psychotherapy helps us to understand, change and alleviate illness and suffering. We use methods from cognitive behavioural therapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, systemic therapy as well as Gestalt therapy. Psychotherapy takes place on the basis of one-to-one and/or group discussion.